26/03/2020 | 618

Hệ số sử dụng (ku) - Factor of maximum utilization (ku)

Factor of maximum utilization (ku)
In normal operating conditions the power consumption of a load is sometimes less 
than that indicated as its nominal power rating, a fairly common occurrence that 
justifi es the application of an utilization factor (ku) in the estimation of realistic values
This factor must be applied to each individual load, with particular attention to 
electric motors, which are very rarely operated at full load.
In an industrial installation this factor may be estimated on an average at 0.75 for 
For incandescent-lighting loads, the factor always equals 1.
For socket-outlet circuits, the factors depend entirely on the type of appliances being
supplied from the sockets concerned.
For Electric Vehicle the utilization factor will be systematically estimated to 1, as it 
takes a long time to load completely the batteries (several hours) and a dedicated 
circuit feeding the charging station or wall box will be required by standards.